The main task and purpose of creating an information system

Any database is created to solve a lot of different types of problems, but still the main goal of creating an information system is to search, analyze and save information. Such information arrays, the functioning of which is supported by modern computers, allow storing huge amounts of data and quickly provide access to any file of interest. In addition, there are many other purposes.
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The goals of creating an information system

Data storage of various structural types. In the modern world, there are no information bases that work with files of only one type. The purpose of the information system in the modern world is to store various types of data. Usually, to increase the functionality of such information systems, several data carriers are used, each of which contains files of a certain structure.

Analysis and forecast of functioning of information flows. Databases process files and learn how to retrieve and transfer them. This is done in order to be able to standardize the devices that ensure the operation of information systems and minimize the time of processing and data transmission.
Research and creation of new ways of storing and displaying information arrays. This goal is designed to reduce any costs of information storage, as well as to create new ways by which the information corresponding to the user’s request was faster in the database and displayed on the monitor.
Creation of programs and equipment, with the help of which information created for human perception could be received by devices that ensure the functioning and development of the information system. These are programs and devices similar to those that allow you to automatically enter text from paper into the computer’s information system.

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Creation of new search and information tools to automate and speed up the process, as well as search for the necessary files. The purpose of the information system in this case is to automatically convert the user’s request from ordinary language into program code.
Creation of special information networks, which include: data banks, transmission terminals, processing centers and means for fast communication. In fact, information systems in the modern world perform a huge number of functions without which no other system could function.